Do you take several medications or supplements on a daily basis?
If you answered yes, then you’ll understand how easy it is to forget a certain pill or to feel unsure about when/how many tablets you should be taking!
Pill cases are one of the accepted solutions to this, and they usually work okay – however a common complaint we hear is that they don’t hold the right amount and don’t cater for individuals who need to take their medications at a range of different times per day!
Have you tried a Webster Pak?
Webster Paks are specially designed “blister packs” that make life MUCH easier for anyone who needs to manage multiple medications!
They are very helpful if you have a complex regime or even if you just want to save time and have peace of mind when it comes to your medication and supplements.
Each pill is safely and securely sealed in each blister compartment based on the dosage time.
It takes the hassle out of taking pills, and keeps things simple and stress-free, with less chance of error or harm.
Here are some of the great benefits of this helpful little packs:
- You’ll have the right dose at the right time.
- You won’t need to store, open and close multiple pill bottles/boxes at home.
- Don’t miss or double up on doses by mistake!
- Your packs are prepared for you and checked by a pharmacist to ensure you don’t need to worry

Take the right dose, at the right time, every time with a Webster Pak!
If you are interested in trying a Webster Pak for yourself or a friend or family member, we have them available at Warnbro Pharmacy. We are offering any patient who would like to try our Webster Pak’s 2 months free packing if they start before the end of June.
We care about COVID-19 and your health and that’s why we can deliver your Webster Pak free to your home, and save you the journey (and potential exposure) of coming to the pharmacy yourself!
If you’d like to learn more, simply reply to this email, or call us on 08 9593 6166 to discuss with a pharmacist.