We hope you are well. This email is to let you know about some exciting changes being made to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Safety Net threshold. The Australian Government has made a decision to reduce the threshold. That means more patients will pay less for their PBS medicines under the new PBS Safety Net threshold! It’s estimated that around 2.4 million Australians will benefit from reducing the general and concessional PBS Safety Net thresholds. A Recap on the PBS Scheme:The PBS makes a large range of prescription medicine more affordableThe PBS Safety Net further reduces the cost of PBS prescription medicines for individuals and families once they have reached a certain amount (the pre-determined threshold) in a calendar yearIf you spend a lot on PBS medicines, it can help further reduce your costs, because you’ll reach the threshold sooner each year Here’s what this change may mean for you:General Patients The PBS Safety Net threshold is being reduced from $1,542 to $1,457.10, which is the equivalent of approximately 2 fully priced prescriptions. Concessional Patients The PBS Safety Net threshold is being reduced from $326.40 to $244.80 – that’s the equivalent of approximately 12 prescriptions. Here are some important details to note: When does this change take place?The new thresholds come into effect on 1st July 2022. There will be no retrospective payments if you have met the new safety net threshold before 1st July 2022.Tip: Calculating if you or your family have reached the Safety Net can be a complicated process. We are experts in this and are here to help. Come and speak to one of our pharmacists if you think you may have reached the Safety Net under these new thresholds. |
What does the change mean? Patients will reach the PBS Safety Net threshold sooner each year (and save more sooner).General Patients From 1 July 2022, general patients will only pay the general Safety Net price of $6.80 for PBS medicines (for the remainder of the calendar year), after reaching the lowered threshold of $1,457.10. Concessional Patients From 1 July 2022, concessional patients will receive their PBS medicines for FREE(for the remainder of the 2022 calendar year), after reaching the lowered threshold of $244.80. What if you’ve reached the new Safety Net threshold before July 1st 2022?You’ll continue to receive PBS medicines at the costs outlined above for the remainder of the 2022 calendar year.Medicines dispensed prior to 1st July 2022 (where the accumulated Safety Net amount is above the new Safety Net threshold, but still below the old threshold) are not eligible for the Safety Net price and unfortunately no refunds will apply. What will happen to the PBS Safety Net threshold in 2023?General Patients On the 1st January 2023, normal indexation of the general Safety Net threshold will resume. Concessional Patients The concessional Safety Net threshold will continue to be determined as a multiple of the concessional co-payment amount. The bottom line is you will continue to save into the future and this measure does not change the PBS co-payment amounts. Next Steps:At Warnbro Pharmacy we have been planning ahead to keep sufficient stock of Safety Net cards available. That way, when the thresholds are lowered on July 1st and more people become eligible, we’ll be able to give eligible patients a PBS Safety Net Card (once they reach the new threshold)! We understand some of the changes might be a little confusing – so if you have any questions, or want to learn more about the new threshold and how it might impact you or your family, you can: Visit the official Services Australia website here Alternatively, please feel free to call Warnbro Pharmacy or visit in person to speak with one of our friendly, qualified pharmacists! Our pharmacists are prepared for these changes, and are prepared to assist you in calculating if you have reached the PBS Safety Net. Avoid paying extra for medications because you don’t know if you might now have reached the PBS Safety Net under these new thresholds. Phone: (08) 9593 6166, Location: Shop 23, 206 Warnbro Sound Ave, Warnbro |